Wireless network connection problems in windows 7

                       In this new area of science every one of us are well known with the word Wi-Fi. This discussion would be on wireless network connection problem in windows 7. We have chosen windows 7 for our discussion as it is the most common operating system now a day. There are several issues that may cause you this network connection problem.

Wireless network connection problems

             These several incidents may trouble you with these problems. Let’s have a look on them :
  1.  Unplugged network adapter switch.

  2.  Your PC security may block the features.

  3.  Wrong cable connection.

  4.  Used drivers are backdated or unsupported with your windows.

  5.  Other hardware problems.

network problems connected

             For windows 7 operating system, there is a list for you where you can see available network adapters. You have full right to choose your one from this list. Your wireless network will be shown if and only if you have installed a network adapter. Being turned on the adapter, the signal would be available. So make sure that you are getting your network on the available list.

                   For Setting up a wireless network there are numbers of ways. In your desktop notification bar select wireless network icon. From that list select your one and press connect. Obviously make sure that you have put the password if it was a secured network. For your personal home network it would be suggested to make the network secured. Otherwise anyone can hack your network by using some tools. It’s dangerous because sometimes you may be shared by your PC data’s on that network. So try to make it secure.

Wireless problems network

              For windows 7 users, after connect setup the WPS or WCN option. This would help you from using password again and again. If you can’t even find your network on that list, type your IP address on the address bar of internet explorer. Push your user name and password here. There would be a page. Look here for “wireless settings”. This option may vary on router to router. Now find here “Enable SSID Broadcast”. Select this option and save this setting for your PC.

             Now come to the point if you setup a security for your network. Connect your device with network. Push your IP address on the address bar of internet explorer. Push your user name and password as same the previous work. Search for “wireless settings” option. Look for “security” key here. They will show you numbers of option. Now change your settings as you desire. These are some cool ideas to solve your wireless network connection problem in windows 7.

                    From my personal experience I can say, it’s a very common issue. If you are a Wi-Fi user this may trouble you several times. Now you can understand the causes. So solve your network problem by yourself now.