When is the New Windows 9 Coming out and Release ?

                    World technology is running too fast. Operating system is that program that controls all the other software and hardwires of the computer. Our discussion would be on when is windows 9 coming out…. Microsoft windows are the most popular operating system for computer. Since their journey they are giving their best. Microsoft introduced “windows” program on november20, 1985. After then series of graphical interface operating systems have been developed. Numbers of its version came into market. It has taken almost 90% of world’s personal computer market. Windows 8 till now its last version.

windows 9 update release

             Its most recent versions are Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8, Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Embedded 8. Already Microsoft declared about their upcoming version. Yes, it is “windows 9”. Most of the computer users are eagerly waiting for it. Already its many features and news have been leaked. But none of this news is officially declared. You can visit here to know about Windows 8 vs. Windows 7 Performance Comparison.

             Before its release, there would be its beta version. This information is trusted. Paul Thurrott, well known Microsoft blogger said that company have planned to make it available on market within January 2015. The release date is not absolutely sure. But as it declared by Microsoft, February 15 can be that period. There would be a lot of changes in its interface. As we know there are numbers of problems in windows8. So, we may hope these bugs would be fixed.

windows 9 coming out

             Windows 9, its code name is “Threshold”. It is not confirmed about its upgrade option. Many said there would be an option for windows 7 users to directly upgrade to windows 9. As there were some problems in upgrade facility for windows 8.1 from windows 7. Microsoft declared that their next package would be a great one. So, it can be assumed that windows 9 would be smaller with more applications.

             Windows 9 would be more compatible with the touch devices. As the numbers of touch device users in the world is increasing rapidly. As a result Microsoft decided to improve in some of the features. There would be RTM version of IE11 available within it. This would create a blue effect on your computer. In case of price Microsoft ensured that it would not be so high. They said it would be on low cost. There would be some new features like better display scaling, over the air system recovery, improved built in anti-virus etc. All these will make a great combination. We can hope it would be the best one from Microsoft.

                 Windows have changed the operating system experience of the people. There are more new things to come. We will eagerly wait for when is windows 9 coming out. Microsoft never dishearten their customers. So, we can hope for the best.